Ruth Bushman Baird

a Dandelion Seed Writer

Hello! I’m Ruth. I grew up in the deserts and mountains of Arizona. Life was chaotic, yet inspired by the stories my mother and father told me.

In 6th grade, a voice that I would be a writer. Well then! At recess I grabbed a pile of paper and a pencil. I found an outside bench in the school breezeway to begin my writing career. I stared at the blank page... and had absolutely nothing to say! At that point, 11-year-old me looked down and saw my shirt was unbuttoned and blowing open. I quickly abandoned my career. 

Years later, after mostly raising my children, I dusted myself off and began to write. I’m writing like crazy now and try not to wear shirts with loose buttons.

I love family, talking to people, travel, art, reading, my dog, and chickens.

You can contact me at:

Stories are like dandelion seeds. Take a big breath and let them fly…

A Seedling flies. She is often an orphen, looking for the balance of a home. Tentatively, she lands on Mother Earth. With joy, she soaks up some moisture and sends down a root, hopefully in a welcoming place.
  • She sprouts and becomes a glorious yellow SUN-like flower. She heals the ground wherever she grows. She nurishes animal and human life around her because everybit of her is nutricious and full of life. After a few days, it seems she dies.
  • Although once gold, she resprouts to become taller and crowns herself as the white MOON. Each petal has now become a seed. Her crown is like a halo of beauty.
  • It only takes a child’s breath or a puff of wind to send out her seeds, like STARS, to once again fly into the universe.  
    Stories, like the Dandelion, live in phases, that not only delight our eyes and feed us, but to go on to sprout other stories. 
    I thank all the writers and their storiesthat have nurtured me in my life.